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Exposed! The MMM Family’s 2012 Spending!

Wow, has it been a year already? Every year, the Money Mustache family is forced to drop its drawers and reveal everything we spent money on, in as much detail as possible, to you the readers. It’s a fine annual tradition that is meant to set the stage for both learning and friendly competition. If…

The MMM Reading List

Products & Services | Books | Credit Cards Since the Way of the Mustache involves reading a lot of books to constantly further your education, I thought it would be handy to keep track of books I’ve read, as well as reader recommendations, all in one place. They aren’t all personal finance titles, but the…

The Triple M Reading List

Books are great. They provide a never ending path of free, or nearly-free education that you can walk along for your entire life, taking branches here and there as you see fit. The reason I like non-fiction books as a source of learning is because they typically represent so much concentrated effort on the part…


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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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