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Unlock your Inner Mr. T – by Mastering Metal

As a kid, I occasionally had the pleasure of catching episodes of The A-Team when I was allowed to stay up late. The show had plenty of action and comedy, at a level ideal for a ten-year-old boy. But my favorite part was always the inevitable scene where the team would harvest a bunch of…

Get Rich With: Nature

I’ve got yet another secret to share with you today, that could further destroy our economic system if it got out beyond the confines of this blog. You know the office building or house you’re sitting in right now? With all the accessories and products and painted walls and carpeted floors? And the rooms you…

Get Rich With: Blogging?

Well, there goes another million. Sometime last week, this blog reached the “two million page views” milestone. It took less than three months to get that second million, compared to nine months for the first one, which I wrote about on December 10th. I remember we all thought we were pretty big business back then,…

New Cars and Auto Financing: Stupid, or Sensible?

When you hear people talking about  their cars, you usually hear ridiculous terms like “dealer”, “interest rate”, and “payment”. Mr. Money Mustache has already laid down the law on this issue in the past: You should never even spend all your money on a car, let alone more than all your money. So why does everyone…

Book Review: Early Retirement Extreme

There is a small but growing social movement spreading around the world these days. It started long ago but has been accelerating recently. Although this revolution is tiny when measured as a percentage of the population, it has the Fiery Heart of a Golden Lion and thus it gets an unusual amount of shock, admiration,…

The Race to Retirement – Revisited

  Earlier this week, I spilled the beans and detailed Mr and Mrs. Money Mustache’s combined savings history from zero net worth to retirement. In the article, I tried to explain that it wasn’t a struggle or a sacrifice to become financially independent in nine years, it was in fact unavoidable. If you get paid…

Grocery Shopping With Your Middle Finger

The Grocery Store is the only retail establishment that I visit more than once a month. But even then, we have a bit of a love/hate relationship. I LOVE the grocery store, because it is the source of almost all of my food. Under its roof lies a world of unlimited possibilities. It can help…


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For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time or download the mobile app. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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