Frequently Complained Questions

postIf you haven’t heard the news, it has been a pretty exciting weekend for Mustachianism. I had the rare treat of doing a little interview with the Washington Post, and it somehow got promoted to the front page of the paper’s online edition where it remained for the entire weekend. Even Ralph Nader retweeted it. This blog’s already ridiculous traffic doubled overnight, and so all of us old-timers would like to welcome the 50% of you who are brand-new!

Part of the fun of a new bit of exposure like this is the controversy. Every time the surreal and happy world of this blog has a brush with the mainstream media, it triggers an explosive round of complaints, as well as a meaningful stream of questions.

The complaints won’t get us anywhere, because that’s pretty much the definition of a complaint: a whining statement of something you don’t like, without an accompanying proposal to fix it. But just to indulge ourselves, let’s review a few of them I came across:

Wow – REALLY? ICK – YUK!!! You sound like one seriously f’d up socialist. YOU keep that CRA*. Me – I’m going AMERICAN ALL THE WAY!!!!!!! ‘Cause you don’t really want to live on less – you just want to push your political agenda and I for ONE am NOT buying it – no pun intended.

Can not express yourself without profanity?

Shocking to hear, I know, but did you know that most of the country does not live in a place that is always been 60-80 degrees year-round? Much of the country has 100 degree summers and 0 degree winters. Not conducive to biking/walking. That’s probably why people starting buying cars once they were invented…

(MMM Note: Colorado has some of the most rapidly changing weather in the US, and many of us here find it fun to bike both below 0F and above 100F. Walking is even easier.)

What a privileged, sanctimonious twit. He should peddle his philosophy in southeast D.C., see how successful it is.

(I’m not sure if “privileged” is the right word for encouraging high-income people to spend less money on themselves, but at least you made me have to go look up “sanctimonious”, so you get one point for that.)

Mustache’s retirement is a euphemism for a unemployment with a low standard of living. Many people running around the wilds of Africa, and welfare queens in America, have done him one better.

I still get treats like that every day, and I collect them in a little secret website to share with other bloggers.  While it would be fun to do battle with people like that, it would use up the precious free time I’d rather spend writing to YOU, who probably have real questions about building a ‘Stash of your own.

So let’s begin – here are a few of the most frequently asked questions about the early retirement lifestyle. While they are often phrased as complaints or accusations, I’ve converted them into polite questions here to avoid accidental damage to your computer screen.

But what about Health Insurance? 

We’ve got it. At $237/month for the family, It’s not as expensive as most people assume. More on that here. I think this country could run more efficiently if workers were not held back from switching jobs, starting new companies, or retiring by fear of losing health insurance coverage. While the situation is still not ideal, I like to promote the idea that it is not scary to purchase your own insurance these days. Many of my entrepreneur friends are in the same boat, and they have been for many years.

But that has a $10,000 deductible! What do you do if someone gets really sick? 

When you have early-retirement-level savings (say, $1 million), taking a $10,000 hit is only 1% of your wealth. You could do it year after year, for over 30 years, and you’d still have $700,000 sitting around. In my mind, that is preferable to having a job, spending most of what you earn, and having lower-deductible health insurance. Meanwhile, as a saver you have plenty of time to decide if you want to go out and earn more money, or scale down your lifestyle by moving to a less expensive house, or (unlikely) move to another country where healthcare is much cheaper. Savings give you peace of mind and options, and this blog is really about spending less and investing more so you can have those life benefits.

What about a College Education for your Kid(s)? You could never pay for that on $25,000 per year!

This comes down to the savings issue again. People often read these interviews, and fixate on the fact that we only spend $25,000 per year. But we actually earn more than that. And even if we didn’t, an early retiree you have a heap of invested money that you can cash out and use for anything you like. As long as you have sufficient safety margin in your retirement ‘stashing, that is more than enough to cover any educational expenses while barely making a dent in the war chest. On top of that, I’m willing to bet that my son won’t need too much of my help by that time anyway.

Are you making this all up? These numbers don’t work out. Nobody could do this.

Every single thing I’ve written in the 336 posts of this blog is true to the best of my ability to write it. I don’t have any incentive to make stuff up: writing lies would ruin the fun of this blog for me. In fact, I believe the best way to make good things happen is by harnessing the sometimes-mysterious power of Honesty.

You’re a Prosperity Anomaly: you made money in the stock market and the housing market. That’s all luck.

Not true in my case, unfortunately. By owning mostly index funds, we’ve matched the market’s appreciation and dividend yield for all our stock holdings, which we built up since 2001. This hasn’t been a great time for stock appreciation. I did make some money on my first house, but that was mostly due to renovating it using my own weekends. Then I lost a bunch by starting a house-building company right before the housing crash. D’oh!

The real ‘secret’ to how my wife and I saved our first $800,000 over nine years of work was simply saving just over 65% of our income. Do the math right here, and you’ll see that saving at that rate adds up to financial independence in 9 years.

As one wise person on Hacker News wrote in defense of this strategy:

“His good fortune shaved years off of his retirement. Maybe even two of them.”

The bottom line is if you can live on 50% of your take-home pay and invest the difference, you will be weathy enough to retire in 17 years. Saving more gets you there even faster. No magic or unusual luck required.

But I don’t want to be frugal – I want to LIVE, and travel, and, and, … !!

First of all, we’re not all that frugal. We lead a pretty spendy life these days, live in a luxury house in a good neighborhood, and travel at least three months of the year. I’m ashamed to admit that I probably own almost as much fancy stuff as you do. And if we wanted to spend even more, we would. But by focusing on happiness instead of shopping, and working to make the spending we do more efficient, the annual total just ends up being lower. A big part of this comes from driving less, since cars cost more than you think they do. But more importantly, the sooner you let go of the belief that these things you want really bring you more happiness, the happier and richer you will be. Look into the philosophy Stoicism, it is freaky-powerful stuff.

You have a Rental House. Isn’t that still a job?

Not for me – first of all, because I’ve had the best tenant in the world for two years, and also because I enjoy it. But I’m doing a terrible job at it: My rental house is an expensive custom one that I originally built myself, to sell. But I got stuck with it in the housing crash and a messy business partner situation. I only clear about 5% of the value of the house in rent every year. I could do better by just selling the place and owning some REITs. Or buying a 4-plex that would deliver double the rent, even after hiring a property manager. So when you see “rental house”, just substitute the words “$500,000 of assets yielding 5% after inflation”.

Can you stop being a Smug Asshat? And stop swearing too?

Some people say they like the message here, but not all the judgmental opinions and the made-up words like Mustachianism. They want Mr. Money Mustache to write in the straight-laced style of newspapers and magazines. And to omit certain words, so it can be shared with the children of anti-swearing households.

I’m really sorry to have to say this, but this blog is a hobby and not a corporation. So in order to stay motivated to write, I have to write in the way that I enjoy writing. And I just happen to find this shit funny. If it’s any consolation, I don’t actually think I am even remotely badass in real life, so you can imagine a mild-mannered computer engineer doing the typing, rather than a Smug Asshat, whatever that looks like. And as a consolation to me, plenty of people seem to be reading all this smug asshatty profanity, so I’d say it’s a sign I should continue writing this way.

Why are you writing the blog at all? Is it to judge me and make me feel bad about my life choices? Or is it to make yourself feel better, or sell me stuff?

None of these things. It’s just one guy’s attempt to try to make the world a happier place, by sharing some things I was lucky to learn along the way. Most of the principles I write about here are at least 2000 years old, and yet they are not widely known in the modern world. And, so I can laugh at my own jokes.

Your plan is silly – consumers drive the economy. If everyone became frugal, we’d have no economy and we would all have to live in cardboard boxes.

I think this represents a misunderstanding of economic principles, confusing our productivity per hour with our chosen rate of number of hours to work and rate of consumption. I wrote about that more here: https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/04/09/what-if-everyone-became-frugal/

You’re not really Retired! You just said you like working!

This blog is about how to build up the wealth required to make work optional. Mrs. MM and I reached that milestone in 2005, in order to start a family without the distraction of jobs. Since then, we’ve gone on to do some things that earn money, and lots of things that don’t. But that doesn’t take away from the original message: if you save and invest enough money, work will eventually become optional, which is a great thing to happen. If you don’t like my idea of retirement, you might prefer to get a job with the Internet Retirement Police.

I can’t ride a bike where I live!

Good! It sounds like you’ve at least identified the problem. Now, let’s work on a solution. Is it because of irrational fear? (if you see other people biking in your city, I’d be a bit suspicious). But even if you do live in some bleak cars-only location, my job is to at least plant the idea in your head that there is another way. You probably didn’t choose your current location with “minimize the need to drive” as a top priority. What would happen if you did? I can already tell you what will happen, since this has been my priority for all of the 12 addresses (spread across six cities and two countries) I’ve had over the past 19 years. The result? Over 20,000 miles of biking, almost no car-commuting, and over $200,000 in estimated life benefits so far. Rather than telling us all you can’t do it now, just consider it as a way to improve your own future.

I’m Way too late for Early Retirement. What approach can a late starter like me take?

Exactly the same approach as an early starter! Spend less than you earn. The math here is equal-opportunity: it does not care how old you are.  Older people often have the advantage of higher salaries, or things they can sell to get a head start. But even if you don’t have any of that, you still have your wisdom. And there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from starting now to improve your financial situation. I still get emails from people of all ages sharing inspirational stories of giant transformations for the better. I look forward to getting yours too, and sharing it on this blog for the next person who does not yet have the confidence to make a change.

You look sort of like the Dos Equis guy in that Washington Post picture!

Wow, really? That would be cool. I could see a Internet meme forming around this. You can take a picture of Mr. Money Mustache, and add your own words, just as people do with Dos Equis Man. Planting this idea may turn out to be a very good, or a very bad idea :-)


Any other frequently asked questions that I should add to this article? Let me know and I will make some updates, and then stick it up in the menu for permanent reference.


  • canadian miss-stache April 29, 2013, 10:59 am

    MMM, you’re my hero! I’ve been reading your blog for months now, and this is my first time commenting. As an avid profanity-spewer, I absolutely love your style of writing, and feel that it adds to your site – f-bombs and all. I’m always amazed at how nameless complainypants feel the need to type snooty comments on take-it-or-leave-it advice articles (from their grey cubicles, no doubt). Although….they do make for some pretty great afternoon reading.
    My boyfriend and I recently made the very mustachian (regularly-used term in our conversations, btw) decision to move in with his parents to save for a down payment on a house and pay off my student loan. It was quite an adjustment after almost 9 years of renting, although we couldn’t be happier with the result. I was originally on track to pay my loan off by 35 (I’m 28), and I’m happy to say that my final payment will be in May of this year. I can feel my ‘stache stubble growing in already.
    I wanted to thank you for all of your VERY reasonable and helpful tips on how to get to early retirement faster. We live in Toronto, Canada and our next step is home ownership…..compared to most U.S. cities and many Canadian ones, we’re in a bit of a pickle (read: gigantic, overwhelming housing bubble). Perhaps we’ll send you some info for a Canadian reader case study at some point!
    In conclusion, a big fat juicy THANKS for sharing your success stories with us, your ever-faithful readers. Sending you support from the north! :)

    • Jeremy Doolin April 29, 2013, 11:11 am

      Awesome, and congratulations on the accomplishments! My wife and I did the same thing, moving in with family to pay off debt and save for a proper downpayment for a house. It’s amazing how well it’s working out. The debt is paid off and we’ll have the downpayment saved in very little time.

    • Kenoryn April 29, 2013, 5:19 pm

      Consider moving just an hour and a half east to Peterborough – beautiful town, all the amenities, way cheaper! :)

  • jlcollinsnh April 29, 2013, 11:18 am

    “I don’t actually think I am even remotely badass in real life, so you can imagine a mild-mannered computer engineer doing the typing…”

    One that can bench press 300 lbs, that is.

    • Mr. Frugal Toque April 29, 2013, 11:51 am

      It’s true, though, that he isn’t that bad-ass.

      Once, he got hit by a car and the car did *not* burst into flames around the point of impact. In fact, there was only a couple of thousand dollars of damage to the vehicle instead.

      So, y’know, use the term “bad ass” with caution.

      • Mr. Money Mustache April 29, 2013, 10:53 pm

        Fuck, thanks for reminding me of that unfortunate evening. And guess who then had to PAY to fix the dented Pontiac Sunfire (and buy himself a new bike), out of his own new-grad salary?

        • Mr. Frugal Toque May 1, 2013, 9:39 am

          That could be your next meme-poster:
          “Got hit by a car once.

          Paid the owner for the damages.”
          I never knew it was a Sunfire. I’ve always felt endangered when Sunfires are near me, so maybe I knew it subconsciously.
          Seriously, though, besides my proclivity for contributing smart-ass remarks to your blog, it’s important to remind your fans that you are a human being rather than a super-lucky, perfectly disciplined robot (who swears).
          This and the Big Fucking Mistake probably have that covered.

  • Joe April 29, 2013, 11:21 am

    Great interview, congrats on all the new traffic. I can’t believe all the nasty comments, you really touch a nerve with the over spenders. Keep doing what you’re doing, it is truly awesome info.

  • Giddings Plaza FI April 29, 2013, 11:25 am

    Smug asshat indeed. As you well know, MMM, drown out the moans of the whiners, and keep up the good work! It’s amazing how angry entitled consumers can get if their right to fast food, big house, and cars (and lots of ’em) is questioned. Funny thing is, our lives are so much better living on less. And it doesn’t feel like deprivation at all–getting all the stuff off our backs and off our minds makes life better in every way.

  • Junius April 29, 2013, 11:28 am

    MMM, your smug asshattery is what makes your blog so joyously readable, thus getting your message out to many, many people who enjoy not taking everything so terribly seriously all the time. I was Mustachian in my youth, having read “The Wealthy Barber” and “The Millionaire Next Door”, but I was anxious and very, very serious about it. After accumulating quite a ‘stash, I married a douchebag, whom I unloaded several years later, along with most of my net worth. As a scared, stressed single mom of a little boy (same age as Little MM) I started to attempt a return to frugality, feeling terribly miserable about it all. Then I started reading MMM, who CHANGED MY LIFE. This is fun. This is joyous. I have a big shiny Optimism Gun. I work part-time at a job I like, so that I can still (walk) to pick up the little guy almost every day after school, and I still manage to save. I plan to have a fully formed ‘stash again well before high school graduation rolls around. I can’t thank you enough for changing my attitude about money and frugality. Next thing I’m going to look into is crossfit, ’cause Mrs. MM looks badass in that workout wear.

  • homerica7 April 29, 2013, 11:45 am

    Long time reader, first time poster. After reading the comments on the WaPo article, it just confirms to me how dumb most of America is. I’ll give credit to people who’s comments included legitimate questions, but most of the questions are answered on the blog in the most popular posts section on the side of the front page. Especially the numbers regarding real estate. I live in Denver and can attest to all of the numbers regarding housing to be pretty much spot on, as I have been looking at rentals and houses quite a bit in the last few months.

  • AndyfromTucson April 29, 2013, 11:48 am

    Most people have a strong and primal aversion to changing habits and/or behaving differently than their peers because they fear the unknown and they see their habits as defining their identity as a person. When someone presents them with valid reasons to change their habits they have a psychological choice: Come up with reasons to dismiss that person’s message or admit to themselves that their habits are not serving them well and that they should do the hard and scary work of changing them, thereby putting their very identity at risk. Most people make the psychologically safe choice, and that means vilifying you.

  • No Name Guy April 29, 2013, 11:50 am

    “I don’t actually think I am even remotely badass in real life, so you can imagine a mild-mannered computer engineer doing the typing, rather than a Smug Asshat, whatever that looks like. ”

    Dilbert? Nahhh….met you at the Seattle meet-n-greet….you’re no Dilbert, but he IS a mild-mannered computer engineer type.

  • Andrea April 29, 2013, 12:08 pm

    I wish you didn’t get exposure; much of what constitutes Moustachianism is living off the fat of the land, which is built on a high degree of consumerism.

    I wonder how well these techniques would work if everybody was as frugal as you? It would probably be a Marxist meltdown.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  • Terri April 29, 2013, 12:08 pm

    Hi. Love the blog and will be curious to see how you feel about peer to peer lending over time. I’m increasingly interested in how that can work in the US. We are part of a not for profit doing micro-financing in Africa and have a 98% payback rate, but the culture and community are so different there, it’s hard to compare it to the US.

    Our experience in Africa is that the community supports the loan, not just one person. Also, in Kenya for example, the amount borrowed is often about the equivalent of .25 (yeah, a quarter) US funds. In Kenya that’s a lot of money, but the whole community backs up the lender, so if she can’t repay the loan that week, someone else in her circle will. It’s a completely different sense of what it means to succeed or fail. If you are interested you can find us at http://www.MicroFinancingAfrica.org Our main team is there now working on the cow project we have going on.

    Please keep us posted on your experiences with this, I think it’s a wonderful thing and I’m excited some of these same concepts are taking off at home.
    We can change the world. Thanks for the part you play in that.

  • Andria April 29, 2013, 12:13 pm

    I do not know why people hide behind their computers and insult others. It makes me crazy. If you do not like something remove yourself from the website. How would you know if it works or not until you actually try it. Ignorance is bliss today. All I can say is I have applied these techniques and I feel incredibly rich now money wise and I am a happier person. If you do not like it do not follow or read this website.

  • Ms. W April 29, 2013, 12:19 pm

    I really don’t understand all the complainers either. I found your site about 6 months ago, and quickly read every post. I found exactly what was missing in my search for financial stability: Motivation.

    You’ve motivated me to make countless changes in my life, and I’ve saved thousands of dollars as a result. I may not adopt every change that you suggest, but I’m figuring out where my priorities are, and where I want to be in the future. We’re never all going to agree, because we’re all different people, coming from different perspectives. But that’s what makes the world interesting. So take what works for you, and stop criticising the rest!

    So thank you! Finding your blog has changed my life for the better, as I’m sure it has for so many others.

  • Carla April 29, 2013, 12:25 pm

    I can’t bike where I live!

    …because I’m scared shitless while riding a bike in on roads so I’m spending a ton of time on sidewalks and residential streets until I stop being such a wimp because the goddamn grocery store is a mile away. Cause my life matters to me. Jussayin’

    • Cujo April 29, 2013, 3:31 pm

      Keep at it; you get used to the fear. Indeed, in my case, eventually you get a thrill out of it, such that I really enjoy riding in traffic.

    • Schmidty April 29, 2013, 7:09 pm

      You will get there, and you will love it. In the meantime, a caution about riding on sidewalks: cars pulling in/out of driveways do not expect or look for a bike shooting along a sidewalk, where the “traffic” is typically pedestrian-speed. On balance it’s usually safer to ride defensively on the street.

  • Chipamogli April 29, 2013, 12:47 pm

    I’m glad you’re not letting the complainty pants bring you down. While I was always frugal, your blog pointed my frugality towards a goal and gave me the courage to make some scary (for me) decisions! I now feel ready to live free! (and will get there soon, financially speaking).

  • WageSlave April 29, 2013, 12:48 pm

    You said, “Any other frequently asked questions that I should add to this article?” I was surprised that you didn’t include a link to your “Avoiding Ivy League Preschool Syndrome” (http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2011/10/12/avoiding-ivy-league-preschool-syndrome/). Seems like one of the obvious complainypants questions would be “How can you deprive your kids like that?!”

  • Kenneth April 29, 2013, 12:52 pm

    Well about the only advice I will never take from MMM is to carry a spritzer bottle full of water in our car, so that on 100 degree days, we can save money by having the air conditioner OFF and spraying our faces every 5 minutes!

    Other than that, I owe an immense debt of gratitude to MMM and all the Mustachians on board this site. Maybe the most important thing I have learned is to spend modestly and intentionally and frugally. Having a $30,000 a year cash burn to live like a king is MUCH better than having to pay $90,000 a year to live like a slave (to your debt). Seriously, we have downsized our spend to under $30,000 a year, and this alone feels sustainable, real and immensely freeing and gratifying. No more keeping up with the Jones here!

  • BeatTheSeasons April 29, 2013, 12:57 pm

    I have an extra FCQ for this page.

    Even though I hate my job I can’t think of anything better to spend all day doing, so therefore what is the point in trying to reach early retirement at all?

  • Sam Silvers April 29, 2013, 12:59 pm

    How about a few blogs of your reader success stories to get these complainypants to shut up? It would be cool to hear the reader stories! I absolutely couldn’t stand you when DH first started in on your methods (we referred to you as “He who shall not be named”) BUT after reading your entire blog from the start of time (took me three months!!) and noticing we saved $100,000 in seven months, I decided to shut up and start referring to you by your actual name!;-) thanks for showing us the light! Many of my friends think we/you are weird but we are happy as clams! Plus the whole saving the human race helps!

    • ultrarunner April 29, 2013, 1:01 pm

      bwhahaha! Lord Money Voldemort does have a nice ring to it. ;-)

  • Eric April 29, 2013, 1:04 pm

    I’m new! And I think I’m in love! My wife and I have always had the goal of retiring by age 50, but after reading through lots of your blog posts, I think we may be able to move that up even closer. Keep up the good work!

  • Dorian April 29, 2013, 1:04 pm

    As a long time reader I didn’t want to waste my first comment on this… so first Congratulations :) But I am a little disappointed by the swipe at the “whole yoga industry” from a man whose wife spends $1000 a year going to a gym for the quintessential at home / diy workout. If you could not acquire everything necessary for crossfit for $1000 (or very much less), then I’m very much misunderstanding the crossfit workout, and if you don’t think yoga can be a comparable fitness regimen, you haven’t tried it enough.

    Love the blog though
    -Aspiring mustachian Dorian

  • Cujo April 29, 2013, 1:11 pm

    As one who plays both sides – I both agree with most of what you say and practice much of it, and also think you’re a smug asshat – I’ll point out that the reason for a lot of the hate might be the sort of bait and switch of, “I retired early and you can too. First, get $140K a year in take-home pay.” Well, shit. Duh.

    • Mr. Money Mustache April 29, 2013, 2:00 pm

      Ahh, but early retirement doesn’t depend on high income. Only with savings percentage. Quiz for long-time readers: who is the famous blogger that preceded me and did exactly this on a single $40,000 salary? (hint: http://earlyretirementextreme.com/)

      More importantly, how many people in our country earn MORE than $140K household income, but spend most or all of it? How many people in Washington DC alone? For them, learning about early retirement is not “shit, duh”, it is “Shit, Yeah!!”.

      Which group consumes more resources? The rich or the poor?

      • Cujo April 29, 2013, 3:34 pm

        I hear you, and largely agree, but I’m sure a lot of haters really bristle at seeing you talk about saving 65% of your take-home pay when they’re barely making enough to keep their family fed.

        Also, of course, there’s lots of just plain envy.

  • wheelingit April 29, 2013, 1:22 pm

    Just want to say congrats on the article in the Washington Post despite the complaints (really found that odd). We’ve been following your blog a long time (well, mostly hubby but I’ve followed through osmosis LOL) and retired ourselves pre-40. We agree with pretty much every step you’ve outlined. We also saved during our younger years, have lived relatively frugally (but still travel/explore/experience), currently have a high-deductible health insurance plan and still do “stuff” even though we’re technically “retired” (your definition is exactly right on by the way). We just happen to do it all from an RV.

    So yes, it can be done and it’s worth getting that story out there….more power to ya MMM!


    • Mr. Money Mustache April 29, 2013, 10:58 pm

      You guys sound like great fun – thanks for sharing your story!

  • Jacster Trixter April 29, 2013, 1:33 pm

    Keep doing your thing man, you ROCK…Mustachians rock! Don’t even waste your breath on the hypnotized masses. You are doing right by all of us who can hear the intent of your words. For those who can’t, well, they have their rewards.

  • truenorth418 April 29, 2013, 1:54 pm

    Congratulations, MMM! I read the Wash Post interview and could not believe the negativity of most of the comments!

    Being early retired myself (reached ER at 47), I have heard all of the whining first hand. What I found really shocking is that many people do not know that health insurance is available to purchase on an individual basis on the open market! So many misconceptions go un-challenged these days it is scary!

    Anyway, keep up the good work. I think you are a great writer, and you are one of my “go blogs”.

  • Accidental Miser April 29, 2013, 2:28 pm

    Congrats on the WaPo Article, MMM. May your world-changing philosophy now explode across the world!

    Screw the complainypants people. They’d bitch if you gave them a lollipop and offered to suck on it for them.

  • Evan Lynch April 29, 2013, 2:56 pm

    Since you get so many complaints, I want to thank you for keeping this blog. It’s changed my whole worldview on working. Previously, I was thinking, save up so much money that I’d never need to worry about any unforeseen expense ever again. I could do that, but it’d mean working the traditional 30 – 40 year work life to do so.

    Now, on the other hand, I’m thinking, well, why not just use the enough philosophy and save enough to retire and then do what I want, rather than work. I might still “work”, but I wouldn’t then have to do so for money’s sake alone. I’m 29 now. With my expected income and savings rate, using this philosophy, I can reasonably expect to retire by 40, rather than 55 – 65 that the traditional methods would require.

    • Pretired Nick April 30, 2013, 2:04 pm

      I’ll second the part about thanking MMM for keeping it going. It can be hard to keep doing something when you’re awash in negativity. Glad MMM doesn’t let it get him down.

      • Lucy May 2, 2013, 7:58 am

        I’ll third that! I’ve been following this blog for over a month now and it really got me thinking about life, happiness and the true purpose of money.
        Thank you MMM and keep up the good work!

    • Bobby May 2, 2013, 11:57 am

      Oh yes!

    • Working momma May 24, 2013, 10:48 am

      Mr. Mustache on behalf of our fellow citizens, who don’t get it, my apologies. Please know deep down under the layers of fat, fueled by rampant consumption, they know you are right. That is why there’s so much anger in the nasty posts. They know if they lived like their grandparent (the appropriately called Greatest Generation) debt would not be a problem. America would be a strong healthy economically dynamic country – not suffering from two enormous wasteful wars, corrupt banking system, failed pension plans, tanking 401ks, chronic disease, obesity and a faultering education system.

  • jestjack April 29, 2013, 3:00 pm

    I’m part of the “new 50%” that read the Washington Post article and was intrigued enough to check out your blog. Like you …I am a bit thrifty and well I just hate waste, And IMHO there is plenty of waste in our country today and I for one find your outlook on life unique and refreshing.What I find very freeing about not having a “real job” is that every day is my own. Now sure as a landlord I have things to do BUT it’s on my time schedule and this leaves me plenty of time to think of ways to live frugally and not allow a job define who I am. Keep up the good work!!!

  • Ed Mills April 29, 2013, 3:11 pm

    This quote made me laugh: “Me – I’m going AMERICAN ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!” Totally, awesomely funny! If working my ass until I die is what it takes to be an American, no thanks…make me a Mustachian!

    Early retirement is possible; it’s time we all embraced this new reality.


    • Tyler Fuller May 1, 2013, 8:02 am

      “AMERICAN ALL THE WAY!!!!” just screams big truck payment to me ;)

      • lurker May 2, 2013, 3:32 pm

        and early onset diabetes! yea ha!

        • Working momma May 24, 2013, 10:46 am

          And cardio vascular disease and COPD. Toss in a little low back pain and few years, you can add an addiction to pain pills too.

  • TallMike April 29, 2013, 3:54 pm

    Well said all around. Many things to say in response to the complainypants, but to focus on the Canadian/American thing for a bit, I am often disappointed that we in the U.S. seem ignorant or ashamed of the deep roots of Mustachiamism in our culture, especially in the likes of Thoreau. This is more out heritage than consumer debt is…

    Keep it up MMM and welcome to all new readers!

  • Sally April 29, 2013, 4:02 pm

    Bravo! My hubby and I love your philosophy and your writing style. I frequently forward your posts to him with a wink wink- nudge nudge as in ” Here is something else we should apply to our lives”.

  • Johnny Moneyseed April 29, 2013, 4:25 pm

    I still get the “Yeah right, you’re not going to retire in your 30s” BS all the time. I’ve learned to tune it out by now. And just like you, we live what we consider to be an above-average lifestyle (full of abundance). We just don’t overindulge ourselves like the rest of the country does.

    I tell people pretty frequently that they shouldn’t strive for early retirement if they like working, but they should sock away enough money where they can walk away from having to work. Just knowing that you don’t HAVE to be there will make you a better employee, because you actually WANT to be there.

    • Mr. Frugal Toque April 30, 2013, 9:51 am

      There’s also the issue of your job inadvertently going away for a while, through no fault of your own.
      It’s nice, in those situations, to simply be able to put your feet up for a while as you wait for another opportunity in the “jobs you like” category as opposed to being tight and cash and thus forced to move elsewhere for a “job you like” or stick around and pay your bills with a “job you don’t like.”

      • Johnny Moneyseed April 30, 2013, 5:45 pm

        And during a recession it’s nice to have padding when everyone else is ripping their hair out.

      • lurker May 2, 2013, 3:34 pm

        an excellent point. the corporations will “retire you” early if given the chance and will minimize the benefits they give you….better to be ready….

  • KB April 29, 2013, 4:26 pm

    I don’t think MMM is smug at all! Agree with an above poster… feel’s weird to know your first name is Pete. You look like a Mitch or something!
    I have commented on here a few times but never try to proclaim I am very mustachian but I am definitely changing. Even buying a pair of lululemon pants used on e-bay or craiglist instead of new is one tiny step in the right direction,I hope. I love reading many pf blogs but this has got to be one of the most entertaining and also kind of philosphical.

    • Amicable Skeptic April 29, 2013, 4:39 pm

      But then he’d be Mitch-ster Money Mustache, and that would be lame.

      • KB April 30, 2013, 4:02 pm

        haha! That gave me a good laugh!

  • TwoPupsOnACouch April 29, 2013, 4:27 pm

    I enjoyed the WP article, but made the mistake of reading the comments. I felt like each complainy pants insulted my mentor. And MMM is a mentor to each of his readers! I’m definitely much better off because of MMM and the forum. Most recently, I switched to a MVNO from a more traditional cell phone carrier. I spend a good chunk of time reading frugality blogs and as of yet, the quality of information that I’ve found here is unmatched.
    My family and I are definitely better off because of MMM. I often think the blog should have some kind of running survey that asks “how much has MMM saved you so far?”

    • Fi May 1, 2013, 9:59 am

      I am looking to switch my phone, too. Did you have to wait until your contract ended?

  • Kevin Wilson April 29, 2013, 5:11 pm

    Hi, glad I found your blog… Its got me dying to move within biking distance to work within 6 months… most every other money-saving secret I’ve already been doing… eating paleo, home gym, prepaid cell, no cc debt, costco, thrift stores, etc… but student loan debt and spending $150 on fuel to drive to work (I think 28 miles to/from work on my road bike is too far for me to do right now) are the things I have to work on.

    I do think this type of info can change the world! I love the idea of designing your life around commuting by bicycle. It solves so many problems such as lack of exercise, and outrageous car expense.

    • lurker May 2, 2013, 3:36 pm

      truth is I find biking so much more fun than driving…shhhhhh don’t tell anyone.

  • pop pop! April 29, 2013, 6:42 pm

    A friend of mine told me yesterday that she had been reading your blog all weekend after seeing your WaPro interview mentioned on Slate.com. She was pretty psyched. I confessed that I’m a fan too and we had a good laugh.

    Speaking of Slate — your mention on that website drew lots of the usual complaints there as well. I’m baffled by the people who insist that you must be making this shit up. I think some people instinctively see this as some kind of get-rich-quick scam. The sort of thing that sounds too good to be true. But your approach is based on or otherwise consistent with conventional retirement advice — it’s not like you’re espousing voodoo retirement math or something. I’ve known about the 4% rule for a while now, but not until reading your blog did I ever get motivated to see what would happen to the retirement math if I started to cut my expenses in a systematic way. It was very eye-opening.

    Anyway, thanks for keeping a sense of humor and not letting the negative comments keep you from doing this. It’s good stuff.

    • Kevin May 1, 2013, 9:19 pm

      “I’m baffled by the people who insist that you must be making this shit up. I think some people instinctively see this as some kind of get-rich-quick scam. The sort of thing that sounds too good to be true.”

      I think people prefer to say “That can’t be true!!!!” because it’s easier to say than

      “Wow, if I took control of my life, minimized debt, reduced my spending, took care of my health and focus on what really brings happiness I could do this too!”

      If you’re willing to believe in what MMM demonstrates & lives you then recognize it actually takes some effort, real work & delayment of gratification.

      WAY easier to say “That’s all made up,” “He’s a con artist,” blah blah blah.

      Effort & personal responsibility are two of the most limited resources we have in this country unfortunately.

  • Bill April 29, 2013, 7:51 pm

    DC is one of the greatest places to bike. The trail system and bike lanes in the city make it much more conducive compared to other areas, and there’s so much to see. Riding through Rock Creek Park, you forget you’re in the middle of a major metropolitan area. Add that to the fact that traffic around here is just silly, and you start to feel smug passing all the cars sitting in their lines to nowhere…it sometimes takes me less time to bike downtown than to drive, and I live 7 miles away from the city center! Anyone who has lived here long enough knows the traffic situation is just comical.

    And MMM, your blog contributions are truly enhancing the lives of others. I was just thinking today about how many folks you’d save from homelessness in the future because they applied your methods to their lives today. It’s such a kick to see your article in the front page of washingtonpost.com.

    • Ryan May 1, 2013, 10:04 pm

      Agreed! I love biking here! I average around 70 miles a week. Every day I leave work and get on my bike on K St, hop over to the L St. bike lane and whiz past all the cars in grid lock and get a smug rush of joy doing so.

  • Cajun Mom (Barb) April 29, 2013, 7:55 pm

    My join up this weekend was a coincidence, timing wise. Didn’t know until after I did it about the article. My husband directed me to you late in the week because he and I already do a lot of the things you recommend and are always open to new ideas. I read today’s blog entry with sadness but not surprise. People who don’t want to change will focus on the detail they can tear down first and easiest to dismiss an otherwise stellar plan. What adult on planet Earth fusses another about swearing? I mean, grow up. I don’t even want to waste time with that. I do want to tell you I’m eager to continue to read the archives, to learn and to sit here with not a little happiness myself when I read about something you guys find that works and think to myself, “ok, we do that,too. Good. It’s a proven idea.” That helps. Where you do your own carpentry/building work, my husband is a wizard with auto repair. We, over the years, have developed through careful purchase, a world class workshop and have NEVER made one car note payment. Always good used cars and in our 25 years of marriage, it has saved us thousands of dollars. People ask us “what is your monthly payment” on a car? I always say, “we do the one payment plan.” And always have. We installed a professional grade lift in our shop last Christmas and that was the finishing touch. Now he takes in jobs (along with being a university professor). I see us employing more and more savings techniques and we don’t see it in any way but a great challenge. WHY would anyone argue with retiring as a goal? I’m baffled. And can’t wait to continue to learn more from you and your readers. Thanks!

  • Dragline April 29, 2013, 7:58 pm

    “Most of the principles I write about here are at least 2000 years old, and yet they are not widely known in the modern world. And, so I can laugh at my own jokes.”

    Exactly. And now they keep coming. For it is money that they have and peace that they lack.

    Very happy for you and for the world that the message is multiplying. Nothing like that exponential growth factor.

  • dcdeb April 29, 2013, 8:14 pm

    I am another one who saw you mentioned in The Post. We’re quite frugal. We live near the metro, save 32% of our income, and have enough to do what is most important to us. Because we do not spend money on dumb things like $13 martinis, fancy cars and nice shoes, we can pay to send our kid to school. Private school was a tradeoff for a cheaper house, which we hope to pay off in 5-8 years.

    The part I’ve never gotten a handle on is how to live off of the money I save. I am reading through your blog now to learn more about dividend stocks. Maybe those are the answer to income in retirement?

    • Mr. Money Mustache April 29, 2013, 8:41 pm

      Any broadly based Vanguard index funds will do – seeking stocks with higher dividends doesn’t necessarily imply higher returns (other companies simply reinvest their dividends or buy back shares, in theory creating faster growth instead).

      Here’s a recent article I wrote on stocks that links to a nice primer on investing by our friend Jim Collins:

      After that, you’ll be ready to go read some books – try “the four pillars of investing” or something from John Bogle.

      • Rob aka Captian And Mrs Slow April 30, 2013, 8:52 am

        I would add in Millioniare Teacher by Andrew Hallman, funny entertaining and easy to understand and follow advice


      • David Bartle May 2, 2013, 10:11 am

        +1 I also highly recommend “the four pillars of investing”. It’s a dry read but the long historic study of markets and it’s build up to the 4% rule and the importance of low-management-fee index funds (instead of picking your own companies) is very compelling.

      • StevieB November 24, 2014, 5:22 pm

        Mr, MM
        I’m fairly new to your blog, but have always shared much of your beliefs and actions (I am luckily naturally frugal) And have decided to retire at 62, yes a little late. But sorry I do have one issue with you and Mr. Collins. I have been investing for 40 years and have experienced all the great crashes…and suffered the results. Just putting your money in a Vanguard fund and leaving it there leaves you susceptible to all those. You have no control over your funds, because events out of your control cause these crashes. Mr. Collins calls them mere blimps on the chart. Hell, if you lost 50% of your stash in 87 when my stash went from 1.8 mil to 900K, or 2000 or 2008, pick a year, that aint no blip my friends and hard to come back from. And before you say “but it always comes back”, ask a 65 year old if he wants to witness 50%. drop. Just my opinions, and keep up the amazing work. Love it

        • Mr. Money Mustache November 29, 2014, 4:40 pm

          I don’t think it’s hard to come back from at all, Steve – you just leave your money invested and double down with any spare cash you have around. If you’re out of cash and really want to conserve, spend a bit less during the trough of the market. It’s all win/win and I would LOVE to see a 50% haircut on stock prices at any time.

        • Kevin November 29, 2014, 5:33 pm

          Stevie, I think you’re exaggerating a bit. If you’ve been investing only 40 years you haven’t experienced ‘all’ the great crashes ;). What happened in 1987 was that the US markets dropped by less than a quarter of their value, and had fully recovered within two years. Likewise someone who only started investing in 2000 might have found the the dot com bust a sour time to invest, but someone like you who had been investing through the ’90s would have still been smelling like a rose. I only invested lightly though that period, but it wasn’t close to a Great Depression scenario, and I’m not sure how anyone could have lost 50% of their wealth unless they were investing heavily in options or something crazy. I really started investing heavily in 2007, just in time for the 2008 recession. I lost about 25% of my investments, but was back up 25% overall within a couple of years. And I’ve found the last few years awesome time to invest!

        • Paul November 29, 2014, 9:49 pm

          I agree here. I too would hate to be the guy approaching retirement who just lost 50% of his portfolio balance. Yes, you can recover from it, but at this stage in life, how quickly it recovers becomes that much more important.

          Not all recoveries are the same. We were fortunate to see a quick recovery after the last crash in 2008. Long term yes, no 30 year period has yielded negative results. However, that mean a whole lot less to a guy who is hanging up his work boots next year.

          • Ian Turner December 1, 2014, 9:34 am

            Yes, that is why one should adjust to a more conservative portfolio while approaching retirement. A 60-year-old who is about to enter retirement should probably have no more than 50% of assets in stocks, precisely so that there are safer assets to spend in case of a downturn. A mustachian might have a larger percentage of assets in stocks due to the longer expected retirement.

  • KK April 29, 2013, 8:19 pm

    I landed on this site via hackernews or someplace else.

    I live in India, and until a few years back, there was a great saving culture here. It still is, but it is changing rapidly with the advertisements and changing lifestyles. These guys make you think a ‘spendy’ lifestyle is equivalent to a ‘better’ standard of living.

    Love this blog, and will read all posts this weekend :-)

  • The Keichi One April 29, 2013, 8:53 pm

    Well said MMM!

  • Kath1213 April 29, 2013, 9:19 pm

    Loved the WAPO article, but boy did I get defensive in reading the “complainypants” comments.

    How DARE they insult our MMM without even reading your blog and delving a bit deeper.

    Commenters these days…


    • Tyler Fuller May 1, 2013, 8:04 am

      ASSumptions abound in those comments! Amazing what conclusions people will draw up with little to no facts to base them on!

  • AnnW April 29, 2013, 9:37 pm

    I LOVE how people always mention “good fortune” and “luck” and “privilege.” If the article mentioned that you live near Boulder, you probably would have gotten more cr*p. People amass assets from plain old hard work. People make something of themselves by learning useful things and working hard. Period. Did you ever read the Get Rich Slowly post that mentions two different authors’ lists of the difference between poor people and not poor people? Basically the difference is persistence and hope. The comments lambasted JD Roth. The commenters found all sorts of reasons why they couldn’t succeed: like they didn’t know anyone who ever went to college,(teachers anyone?), they didn’t know anyone that could give them advice, and they weren’t handed stuff like everyone else in America. I am thrilled at your increasing fame. Check out agirlnamedjack.com a UK mom who never gave up. Ann

    • Mr. Frugal Toque April 30, 2013, 7:16 pm

      It is important, in our day to day lives, to acknowledge the privileges we do have. Being able-bodied, white, English speaking, male, born into middle class families in developed countries … these are all very helpful.
      But I also find it highly bullshitical when people who are equally, or nearly equally “privileged” tell me that I’m “lucky” to be able to save up this kind of money.
      No, son.
      I got my education by working hard. Is it lucky that I’m willing to work hard?
      I saved my money using willpower. Is it lucky that I have willpower?
      I learned how to cook. Is it lucky that I’m willing to take the time?
      I’m almost done paying off my mortgage. Is it lucky that I staved off the desire to lease an SUV and add years of debt to my life?
      So, yeah, I acknowledge that one giant, metric fuck-tonne of good fortune has landed my life here, in turn-of-the-millennium Canada instead of the Sahara Desert in 3000 BC, but I don’t allow that people get to wave off my accomplishments as “luck” and so excuse their own descent into Consumer Debt Insanity.

      • Simplicity Seeker May 1, 2013, 3:20 pm

        He he he…well said!

      • LightTripper May 3, 2013, 5:04 am

        I guess I would say you are lucky to be in a position to have that choice (lucky you were born smart, not disabled, not ruined by overly indulgent or negligent parents, in a country with strong property rights and a good education system, etc. etc.)

        But lots of people are born so lucky and don’t end up with big savings. Savings result from luck + hard work + a decision to save: if you miss any one of those elements you are stuck.

        • Emmers May 5, 2013, 8:13 am

          For me, this paragraph saved the comment: “But I also find it highly bullshitical when people who are equally, or nearly equally “privileged” tell me that I’m “lucky” to be able to save up this kind of money.”

          I don’t think (and correct me if I’m wrong?) that MFT was talking about the people you mention in your comment (who do deserve consideration) – I think he was talking about people in roughly the same situation as him.

      • Emmers May 5, 2013, 8:11 am

        I mostly agree with Mr. Frugal Toque’s comment. There is an element of privilege and luck here, but it’s not the *only* element. Hard work is necessary, but not sufficient, to Mustachianism. If you have a serious pre-existing condition, all the hard work in the world won’t save you from being denied health coverage — I seem to recall the ACA is partially fixing this, but self-insurance premiums for someone with diabetes or Crohn’s or whatnot might still be prohibitively high.

        MMM is at his best when he reminds us (and himself?) that he’s talking generally to people who are already middle-class and able-bodied.

        Broadly, there’s a very big difference between Consumer Debt Insanity and My Medications Cost $2000 A Month Because I have Ulcerative Colitis, Now What? (Just picking a random number and disease – I don’t know what it actually costs to have UC.) The former should be facepunched, but we shouldn’t forget the latter exists as well, and should *not* be facepunched.

  • Mr. Bonner April 29, 2013, 9:46 pm

    That’s awesome you made the Post. Congrats and keep up the good work.

    I would totally be interested sometime down the line to see the analytics before and after the Post as well as the effect of revenue from the site over that period. That seems like a crazy amount of traffic. I hope your new host handled everything well.

  • PerpetualAsianStudent April 29, 2013, 9:49 pm


    I’m loving all the complaints. I picked out this little gem reading through the comments. This guy really has a stick up his you know where. He made an entire list for MMM…I quote

    “4) assuming this is all meant for the benefit of the readers, is this even practical advice? the cost of college goes up 1% almost every two months, it takes 20 years of solid investing to pay for college now, which by my math means you start working two years before you are born to matriculate after high school. it’s just all BS.”

    Well, I can already respond from personal experience. I’m heading to a four year university after getting my first 2 done at a community college. Grand total for the next 2 years? $20,000 if that. Oh look, it takes me perhaps 1 year of work and applying the MMM principles to pay it off. Oh dear, how in the world am I going to be able to pay that off in 20 years!?!?? that’s like saving thousand dollars a year plus interest…because I’m assuming that this person took out some ridiculous school loan that they don’t need to pay for the school apparel that they don’t need either. Bah humbug…People these days like to complain a lot more than they like to save money

    • Cindy B May 2, 2013, 9:15 am

      Love the comment about community college! Smart kid! That’s the route I took (um 15 years ago!)…2 years at the local CC. With scholarships & financial aid, I actually got money back after paying for tuition & books! Not to mention I was able to work about 25 hours a week while living with my parents and going to school which gave me the ability to buy a used car, pay it off, and save some money before going away to college. I transferred to Virginia Tech, where I spent the next 2 years and graduated with a BS in finance. I took out a student loan both years in the amount of $5500. I didn’t think paying a total of $11,000 (plus interest) for a 4 year degree from a major university was too bad of a deal! Unfortunately, most people don’t look at community college as a viable option!

  • mike April 29, 2013, 10:09 pm

    My mom read the washington post article then called and asked if I had heard about Mr money mustache because “he’s just like you!” Ha, I’ve been reading since early retirement extreme back in 2009 which then passed the torch to MMM. I pass this website along to everyone who will listen because it basically summarizes my core beliefs in a very articulate, fun, convincing way. Thanks for giving us all a voice, keep up the great work!

  • Carolyn April 29, 2013, 10:18 pm

    Although you’re getting quite a bit of love already on this comment thread – here’s some more! I’ve just started reading your blog about a month ago and I love it (came over from Northwest Edible Garden). I’m in graduate school in Seattle on a modest stipend, but I would love to hit financial freedom in the next few years (hopefully before babymaking just like you guys did). Many of your philosophies I was unconsciously doing (buying in bulk, cooking at home, biking, growing some of my own veggies), but a few are pushing me from my comfort bubble, in a positive direction I think!

    BUT, I’m still a newbie when it comes to living off of dividends/investing. My parents (unfortunately) love to buy things, and I grew up thinking that’s what made me happy. While shedding that skin slowly, the other unfortunate side effect is that investing is a bit scary for me. I have a few Vanguard ETF/MFs in an IRA that track with various indices, but the idea that I’ll make the “wrong choices” or will end up with less than enough to retire, while unlikely, is very intimidating. I’m really close to “jumping into the pool” with my savings slowly earned over 5 years, earning a meager 1% in a savings account :( – but I’m waiting for the market to drop a bit (“bear” market?). Maybe I should just do it, I don’t know! Anyway – I really appreciate everything in this blog, and I’m excited to learn more!

    Also, your writing is really entertaining.

    • Kevin May 2, 2013, 7:31 am

      Carolyn, by saving for 5 years but keeping it in a saving’s account, your money is slowly eroding. Even at the very low rate of inflation we have now, you’re losing money that could have been working for you.

      More importantly, by waiting for a market drop to “jump in the pool” is classic market timing thinking, and even the best trained financial analysts end up losing money in the long run by attempting market timing. You need to make the plunge. Invest the money as it becomes available, and you’ll be practicing ‘dollar cost averaging,’ which is a proven method for building investment wealth. For the money you have now, if you’re that worried about investing it all at a market peak, put a third of it in a broad-based index fund right now, another third in a few months, and the rest a few months later. I’m not sure that is the optimal financial strategy, but what you’re doing now is definitely NOT. Good luck!

  • Neo April 30, 2013, 2:35 am

    My favourite comment was that you retired 8 years ago set up a blog wrote 300+ articles wangled an interview in the washington post and then dropped in to the conversation that you sometimes shop at Costco causing a run on the stock and cleaning up in the process.

    You almost got away with it too if it wasn’t for those pesky commenters !! :)

  • Ruyiswick April 30, 2013, 2:37 am

    nothing you say is really new to me. i retired at 32 and have lived a rich, interesting and comfortable life ever since — doing no work, kissing no boss’ behind, having no clients to please, and not facing staggering bank bills at end of each month. the formula is the same as yours: save early by not spending money on expensive/low gratification garbage; and concentrate on pleasures which cost little. we haven’t exactly discovered this formula, you know — Thoreau and Epicure were just two who have made the same discovery way back. the amazing thing is — how few people seem to stumble upon this solution.

    which, i figure, is a good thing. if the majority were not slaving and spending many products and services would not be available to us, or they would be much more expensive. (example: aifares: if the majority stops taking their obligatory city weekend get away once a month… airfares might end up costing more — making my (occasional) jaunt to paris all that much more pricey.

    so my message to the majority is — go right ahead, folks, it’s working for me.

  • Lord Highbrow April 30, 2013, 3:56 am

    Hey MMM, congrats on the article, bloody marvelous mate, fair dinkum! I had a bit of a luagh at the complaints, most people will let their Rationalisation Hamsters (google it) go nuts in order to maintain their comfortable existences. Keep up the good work dudes!


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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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