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Reader Case Study: Hair on Fire!

Today we bring back the ever-popular reader case study series with an interesting twist. First of all, our subject is a new reader, with sizable financial baggage from earlier decades, but plenty of potential for improvement. Equally notable is the fact that I have enlisted some outside help for the research and analysis. During a…

How Big is your Circle of Control?

That recent article on the Low Information Diet (which I probably should have called the Low Irrelevant Information Diet) stirred up quite a debate. While some readers offered their double high-fives of agreement, others came out with pitchforks and torches, scolding both Mr. Money Mustache and any who dared to agree with him for “Celebrating Ignorance”.…

You Can Spare us Both the Outrage

The recent 50 Jobs post has been a nice success so far: I was happy with my own start to the list, but as expected the readers (as well as my celebrity guest contributors) got back to me with even better ideas. We’ll have an easy time bumping it up above 50 when Part Two…

If I Woke Up Broke

The Mr. Money Mustache you see today is flabby and weak. Although consumers often compare themselves to the Mustache family and determine they aren’t ready to become “so extreme”, in reality the only extreme thing is how far we are from living a truly frugal lifestyle these days. The reason for this is of course…

Question and Answers with the Washington Post

On May 13th of this year, I had the chance to log in to a special chitchat system hosted by the Washington Post, and field a bunch of live questions from their readers in response to the interview I had done with that paper’s business section a few days earlier. I found this to be great…

The Quitting Lawyer and the Despondent Millionaire

When it comes right down to it, this blog is really just here to change your perspective on things. The exact same world can seem like an evil or beautiful place, based purely on how you choose to think about it. And paradoxically enough, changing the perspective (and thus the behavior) of enough people can…

Frequently Complained Questions

If you haven’t heard the news, it has been a pretty exciting weekend for Mustachianism. I had the rare treat of doing a little interview with the Washington Post, and it somehow got promoted to the front page of the paper’s online edition where it remained for the entire weekend. Even Ralph Nader retweeted it.…

Pension, Schmension! Retire on Your Own Terms

At the beginning of your financial life, there are plenty of traps laid out to bite you. In all probability, you were raised by financially unskilled parents, meaning you picked up deadly habits like buying automatic-transmission trucks on credit and commuting enormous distances in them. All while thinking you are living a perfectly reasonable life…

Quitting a Cash Cow Job

Mrs. Money Mustache has done it again – she just retired from another cushy part-time job. The dress code was pajamas, the working environment was a sunny second-floor office in our house, and health insurance, internet access, and cell phone with data access were covered by the company. She even had regular food deliveries during…

Reader Case Study: The Long Road to Mustachianism

The battle of Mustachianism vs. Consumerism rages on, and we have made some serious headway lately, with almost a doubling of the blog’s readership in the past month and some funny appearances in major media. But with new exposure comes new skepticism, and the need to explain the whole package from scratch to whole legions…


welcome new readers

Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time or download the mobile app. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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