Search: grocery


Bicycling: The SAFEST Form of Transportation

Of all the objections I get from people about why they can’t ride a bike to get around, perhaps the most frustrating is the claim that bicycling is too dangerous. According to this line of reasoning, we all need the protection of a two-tonne steel cage in order to survive the trip to the office…

Getting Enough.. and Then Some

On the long list of Imaginary Reasons Why Early Retirement Wouldn’t Work, many of the concerns are variations on the theme of “I won’t be able to retire early myself, because I wouldn’t have enough money to do X”. The “X” can be anything. Often it is something family-related like raising a large number of…

The Quitting Lawyer and the Despondent Millionaire

When it comes right down to it, this blog is really just here to change your perspective on things. The exact same world can seem like an evil or beautiful place, based purely on how you choose to think about it. And paradoxically enough, changing the perspective (and thus the behavior) of enough people can…

Anti Automobile April – Conclusion

You might have thought that I’d forget to check up on you as Anti Automobile April came to a close. But here we are, on the first weekend in May. How did you do? Did you track your driving last month, and maybe even drive a bit less because of it? I did, and here…

Why Should I be Frugal, When I’m So Rich?

Ahh, money. The more you have of it, the more you get to spend, right? Everybody does it that way, so that must be the right way to do it. We all agree that, sure, the debtors and the flashy live-beyond-their-means club need to rein things in. But for those honest folks who work hard…

Curing your Clown-Like Car Habit

One of the weirdest things about this country is the way people use their cars. I mean, it takes some serious effort to find a spot in our Three Million Square Mile land area, where you will not see endless lines of seated humans trundling meaninglessly back and forth in these giant and stupendously inefficient…

Reader Case Study: ‘Stashless in Seattle

It has been a while since we did a real case study, and many readers have been telling me they are itching for the voyeuristic yet enlightening fun of analyzing somebody else’s financial situation. But I try not to repeat studies that are too similar to previous ones, and we’ve now covered a pretty wide…

A Peak Life is Lived Off-Peak

One of the key Principles of Mustachianism is that any and all lineups, queues, and other sardine-like collections of humans must be viewed with the squinty eyes of skepticism. Paradoxically enough, I have found that if so many people simultaneously decide to do something that they are forced to stand or drive in a queue…

Goal (mostly) Reached!

It’s well past March 21st. Do you know what that means? The boldest long-time readers do, and they have started needling me, in comments and emails, to check if I followed through on the goals I set for myself way back on November 5th. I’m glad this has started happening, as it reinforces my belief…

An Enjoyable Experiment: Wasting $1000

Here I am, back on the keyboard again after a week in the Pacific Northwest. I was there to meet a small group of friends for our annual festival of snowboarding, feasting, and recreational alcohol and drug use known as the Safety Pirates trip.  As usual, it was plenty of fun and the highlight of…


welcome new readers

Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time or download the mobile app. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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