

Let’s Buy a Foreclosure Together! … Episode 1

You and I are about to embark upon an adventure together over the next few months! Have you ever wondered what is involved in buying a bank-owned home at a massive discount, renovating it back into nice condition, and then selling or renting it out at a highly profitable rate? Well, a friend and I…

Good Times for Landlords

As dedicated MMM readers already know, I have fiddled around a bit with rental property ownership over the past six years. In that first article linked above, I had a somewhat neutral view on the practice, figuring it was definitely good money, but it took real work to get it. But I’ve been noticing an interesting trend in recent…

Get Rich With: Owning Rental Houses

We’re diving into a fundamentally new field here – the field of actually increasing your income, which is quite different from the cutting your spending I usually advocate. For most people, the cutting works much better because they already have a shortage of free time, and a surplus of income compared to what is actually…

The Elephant in the Room: Housing

So far, I’ve complained about the excessive spending we do on cars, driving, gifts, cable TV, electricity.. all without even mentioning housing. Why? Housing is the biggest expense for most people, and there are some retirement/frugality/simple living blogs out there that advise you to live in an absolutely minimal house or even an RV. It…

Unleash your Inner Hasselhoff for Greater Riches

“I drive a pickup truck because it’s comfortable and sometimes I need to haul things on the weekend” “There’s nothing in the fridge right now so let’s just go out for dinner” “I’ve read that Mr. Money Mustache claims to save $94,432 every ten years by riding a bike, but I don’t HAVE a bike,…


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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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