Search: health insurance


When Your Shitty Health Insurance Doubles in Price

Well, despite Mr. Money Mustache’s outrageous optimism, I think we all saw this coming. I opened up my premium renewal email from Kaiser and saw this: My family’s monthly health insurance premium, which had already more than doubled in the last few years to $674 per month, was going up a further 44% for the…

Our New $237/month Health Insurance Plan

It’s finally November 1st, and it means that for the first time in history, the Money Mustache family is running on a fully unsubsidized health insurance plan which we’ve paid for out of our own pocket. Isn’t that scary? As noted in past articles, I’ve had a pretty cozy health insurance situation up to this…

Sedera Health Sharing

** UPDATE: September 2022 *** SEE BELOW*** This page (maintained by my healthshare expert Bill) will dig further into the details of Sedera health sharing , and serve as a place to ask and answer questions in the comments section below. After learning everything you need to know about the company, you can sign up…

Insurance: A Tax on People who are Bad at Math?

I recently read a Facebook conversation about health insurance where one person said, “I’m better off saving the $1000/month premiums and paying for my own medical bills if they ever come up”. And the other person said, “Bah! Recipe for bankruptcy! You need full insurance!”. Which person was right? Years earlier, I was talking to…

MMM HQ Member Directory

The members of MMM HQ are a talented, eclectic, and fun bunch, so we created this page to share their work with the world. A listing on this page comes free with the $50 per month HQ membership! Click on a category or scroll down to see what our members are doing. Art Career/Life Coaching…

How to Retire Forever on a Fixed Chunk of Money

These last two articles have focused on how common it is for early retirees to continue making money after they say goodbye to the cubicle. I share stories like that because I’ve seen it happen in so many lives, including my own. Plus, if you do it right, work is fun. But the downside of all…

Exposed! The MMM Family’s 2016 Spending!

Well, I might as well come clean on our spending for last year.  It either went up, or way up, depending on how you want to account for things. Every year, this annual report seems to come out a little bit later – mostly because I’m no longer all that interested in how much money we…

All The Posts Since The Beginning of Time

With over 500 articles published as of 2020 and still going, this has become a huge blog. But some people allege that it’s a good one, and thus they want to read as many of those posts as they can. In the olden days, that meant going to the first post, and reading and navigating…


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Take a look around. If you think you are hardcore enough to handle Maximum Mustache, feel free to start at the first article and read your way up to the present using the links at the bottom of each article.

For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time or download the mobile app. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often.

Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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