Search: phone


Canadian Cell Phone Service Recommendations

Canadians have traditionally been stuck with one of the least competitive (and thus most expensive) mobile phone service markets in the world. Fortunately, there a few cracks of daylight starting to show, with a handful of newer carriers offering much more reasonably priced plans. And by supporting competition like this, the entire market will be…

Best Cell Phone Plans For Frugal People

You don’t need to pay an arm and a leg for cell phone service. The MMM cell phone service recommendations are maintained by Christian Smith, creator of Coverage Critic. Affiliate Note: Some of these companies offer commissions for online referrals. Other ones don’t. For those curious, details about financial arrangements can be found here. “I’d…

The Ultimate Life Coach

Almost  nineteen years into early retirement now, I’ve come to realize that the complete freedom of this lifestyle can be a double-edged sword. You’ve already heard me raving plenty about the upside: having the freedom to raise a son from the day he was born to beyond his eighteenth birthday with no compromises. And then…

How To Afford a House These Days

The other day, an MMM reader stopped by and left the following comment on one of my older posts about the principles of FIRE: As with every critique of our ideas, I thought about this comment for a while. Tried to determine if there were any Principles of Mustachianism that were genuinely going obsolete, versus…


Hello from the Valley of the Sun! This is my ongoing page on The Arizona Experiment, a joyful four month uprooting of my life to come check out a new car-free community that is springing up in Tempe (a city within the Phoenix metro area.) – What’s this all about and why are you there?…

The Arizona Experiment!

The thing that drew me to early retirement is freedom, and that’s still the best part of it.  Back in 2005, the primary reason for this freedom-seeking was being able to devote my best hours to being a Dad – I had a feeling my career in tech would be too demanding to sustain once…

What to Do About These High Interest Rates

Whoa, have you seen what just happened to interest rates!? Suddenly, after at least fourteen years of our financial world being mostly the same, somebody flipped over the table and now things are quite different.  Interest rates, which have been gliding along at close to zero since before the Dawn of Mustachianism in 2011, have…

The Comfort Crisis

As with many things in life these days, it all started with an episode of the Peter Attia podcast. In this edition, our nation’s most Badass Doctor was interviewing a guest I initially dismissed as not overly applicable to my own lifestyle. A young,excessively handsome dude who happened to be a writer with a new…

The Model Y Experiment

In May of 2023, after many years of successful delay I let myself buy what is probably the ultimate no-compromise, do-everything vehicle currently in production, the Tesla Model Y long range all wheel drive. One year later, I am absolutely enjoying the shit out of this thing, while racking up a surprisingly high 11,000 miles.…

How to Build a Kitchen (and Why)

Well, looks like it has happened again.  Since the last time we spoke, I got sucked into building my 17th(?) kitchen, and I have finally emerged from its messy yet addictive grasp as I stand here at the new breakfast bar, typing this report to you. Why am I so hooked on this strange pastime?…


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Love, Mr. Money Mustache

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